It is 4 weeks ago today that we moved house and, although trying to keep up with reading your blogs, I haven't had time to leave comments or write a new post ...till now. The move went so smoothly with no breakages (I did all the packing); the removal men worked like beavers and had to call in reinforcements as they had underestimated how much we had! Apart from the length of time it took to sell our old house there really weren't any hiccups at all (which I think may be unusual) but it did help that there were only three of us in the chain.

I absolutely LOVE it here and am so happy. Everything is perfect (apart from the fact that every room needs decorating). Our old house was relatively new but I have always preferred older houses. This was built in 1901 so I don't know if it would be classed as Victorian or Edwardian. There are still a few old features but modernisation has crept in too much and we need to put the house back to how it should be. Two days after we moved in we had someone plastering over the artexed ceilings. I have more or less finished decorating our bedroom (apart from the floor) and when I pulled up the carpet I found these tiles where the fireplace had been (I have since discovered similar ones in two other bedrooms).
I want white painted floorboards in this room so am unsure whether I actually need to strip them back to bare wood first or whether I can just paint over them (any advice would be very welcome).
I have painted the bedroom walls white and the accessories are mainly dark red. Laura Ashley sell a lovely chandelier in this colour which is £150. When I went on their website it is out of stock so I bought a can of spray paint (suede effect) and sprayed a metal chandelier I had bought on ebay for £2.20. Here it is - not bad for under a tenner and it matches the Laura Ashley rugs perfectly!

This is the view from where I am at this moment sitting in the office .

The garden is totally different from the one at our old house which was more architectual with grasses and trees rather than flowers. This garden is full of roses and very cottagey. The soil here suits these lilies and there are serveral large clumps of them which everyone admires.

Well, I hope I haven't bored you! Back to the paintbrush and I'll post some before and after photos as the rooms are completed.