I have recently finished reading Susan Hill's 'Howards End is on the Landing'. I won't write a review as many other people have featured this book on their blogs. One of the chapters is about Picture Books and the pleasures of reading aloud to small children. This prompted me to venture up into the loft to find and revisit some of the books my daughter and I used to enjoy reading together. Amongst her favourites were any (or should I say all) by Shirley Hughes. Looking at these books again I am reminded of all the wonderful hours cuddled up together reading and looking at the amazing illustrations.

Alfie and Annie Rose were always favourites but Rosie's absolute favourite was 'Dogger'.

Oh, the relief every time we read it when Dogger was reunited with his rightful owner having been sold at the school fair! My son bought me Shirley's biography many years ago and I shall enjoy reading this again too.