On Wednesday I went with my reader's group to Jane Austen's House at Chawton as it isn't too far away. I have been before many years ago but a return visit was just as enjoyable as I had forgotten many of the things I had previously seen (my age I think!). Photography inside was not allowed so I bought some postcards and will share these and some of my outdoor photos with you.

On the right side of this picture is the table which Jane sat at to write. The next picture is her bedroom which she shared with her sister.
This patchwork quilt was sewn by Jane, Cassandra and their mother in 1811. For all you quilters it is English Medallion pattern.

The next photos are of a bracelet and topaz crosses given to her by her brother Charles and a pelisse (silk frock coat) worn by Jane.

This is the chaise that she and Cassandra used when travelling any distance. Usually they preferred to walk.

It is well worth a visit if you live or are staying near here.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend with plenty of sunshine!