We went to look at our new house again last evening and to measure spaces to decide where our furniture will go. I took this photo on the way home. I have a friend who will be living just around the corner from us and she and her husband always take a stroll down to the beach after their evening meal and before coffee. I thought that would be a nice habit to get into.
Tom dropped a bombshell on us by announcing he won't be coming to live in our new house as he now feels he wants to leave home and share a flat with two friends. I feel very sad at this, I know it's inevitable that our offspring flee the nest but I hadn't imagined he would be going just yet! How strange it will be just hubby and me again.
I think I have a lot on my mind. Has anyone else done the stupid thing I did this week. I went to a car boot I don't usually frequent quite a way from here, bought three items from a stall, asked the man to look after them then only realised I hadn't gone back for them before coming home! I will have to return next week to see if he is there again, I hope so.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend. mine will be spent packing, packing, packing ........