As you may have gathered from my website I love gardenalia and thought this old garden sieve/riddle might look good decorated and hung on the wall. I was in the middle of doing this when a friend called, saw it and bought it! I quickly photographed it before she took it away as I have another for sale. I think I possibly would have tweaked it a bit more but this only took about 5 minutes as it was easy to attach the greenery with florist's wire.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
For Sale
How I wish this sign would be changed for 'SOLD'. This week we have had an offer which we have accepted as our buyers have also sold their house. Below them in the chain someone has to sell two houses so weren't not counting our chickens just yet though this is the nearest we have been so far. Luckily the house we wanted is still for sale (houses just aren't selling in this area) and we went to view it again on Monday. The last time we saw it was on a lovely warm June day and it looked a totally different house altogether now on an autumn evening with the lamps and heating on and the smell of a casserole in the oven. I love it even more and am trying very hard not to get excited and plan how I want to change this and that but it's hard when looking at all the magazines that I like to read not to imagine something in my new house!
We are off to Cornwall for the weekend again as my mum has been buying lots of things for the website. It's also my birthday on Sunday (how can another one have come round so quickly) and we plan to go to Boscastle for the day. Must remember my camera!
No birthday cake for me, though. Having lost 19 lbs at Slimming World and reached my target I hadn't been since our French holiday. I went yesterday and SHOCK, HORROR I have gained 5.5 lbs!
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Friday, 12 October 2007
I bought these stylish dusters and dishcloths today at Asda, I couldn't resist them. I think I may just have to change the whole decor of my kitchen to match them,though, as they don't quite go with my colour scheme!

Talking of stylish things do you like my shoes I bought in France? The French women are so elegant and their shoes are just so different. I couldn't decide between the two so had them both!
We have yet more people coming to view the house tomorrow (I do wish someone would buy it) so I shall be using these cloths but I hope your weekend is more of a shoe-shopping than dusting sort of weekend.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
The recent holiday in France was wonderful. Initially we stayed with friends who moved to the Tarn region last year and are renovating a cottage. How I envy their lifestyle! Absolutely stress-free. The renovation is a mammoth task but I can see it will be absolutely stunning when it is finished. We then stayed in the Dordogne area for a week. The area was just beautiful but, alas, not the accommodation - I have never seen so much bad taste in one place. Plenty of the French shabby but not a chic in sight! This chateau/castle was just down the road from us and the views over the river were amazing.

and sightseeing.
I took so many photos of all the wonderful buildings, it's hard to choose which to publish here.

The houses built into the cliffs are so unusual.

I did manage to find some lovely linen, though, and it has definitely whetted my appetite to go back and search for more.
We did plenty of shopping,
eating and drinking,
Of course I was hoping to buy lots of French antiques for my website but didn't find as many as I had hoped. Brocantes seemed to be thin on the ground in this area.
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