Monday, 29 December 2008

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Merry Christmas
Friday, 19 December 2008
The builders are here!
This step is outside a shop near here, one that has been well patronised by the look of it.
A very old tree trunk.
Original and authentic crackle glaze.
The builders have been here for 3 days and, so far, it has been completely stress free! The back of the house has gone and I have a perfectly useable half a kitchen with everything I could need except for the dishwasher. This is what the house looked like before ...
Hopefully it won't be too long before I can show a photo of the end result with the pitched roof with velux windows and glass doors all along the back.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Being Creative
Sunday, 7 December 2008
I'm Back!
A great deal of painting was been done in these last months and we are in the midst of decorating our other living room. I have been preparing the walls for some Laura Ashley wallpaper I bought recently and we have ordered a gas fire for this room. The builders start work on the back of the house next week knocking the kitchen, dining room and sunroom into one room. This will have a pitched roof and windows and doors all along the back of the house. Not a good time to be having a kitchen ripped out but I am assured I will be able to cook Christmas lunch (lucky me!). This is the kitchen we are replacing.
This was once someone's pride and joy but it has to go! What isn't obvious in the photo is the bright green textured walls! Not quite as bad as some of the houses featured here though http://uglyhousephotos.com/wordpress/!!!!
Tomorrow night I am going to see 'The Changeling'. Has anyone else seen it yet? I've also just finished reading Margaret Forster's 'Diary of an Ordinary Woman' Do read it if you get the opportunity, I couldn't put it down.
Have a good week.