The trip to Cornwall was wonderful helped along, of course, by that amazing weather. I did remember my camera so shall share some of my holiday pics with you. We started our Good Friday walk at Rock

which leads to Daymer Bay

From there we walked to St Enedoc Church

and saw John Betjeman's grave

Next we visited Port Quin which is a tiny cove, still known as the 'Village that died'. One stormy night, sometime in the19th century, the entire male population were drowned at sea whilst out fishing. The women of the village were unable to continue without their men folk, their hardship became intolerable and Port Quin was left deserted, with the fishermen's cottages falling into disrepair , ruin and the sea. Today most of the dwellings are owned by the National Trust and there are no shops, not even a tea room!

I walked to the top of the cliffs from where this photo was taken. There I found a seat dedicated to Sgt Steven Roberts who was killed in Iraq after having to give up his body armour to other soldiers just three days after the conflict began. Standing there and reading the dedication was very moving especially as I had no idea that it was there.
It says 'I am here. I am that seventh wave, I am the mist that passes over the green fields beyond. I am not far away and will see you again. But not yet...... Sgt Steven Roberts 1969 - 2003. Mourn me, but don't mourn too long. Miss me, but live'. At his request his ashes were scattered at Port Quin, described as his 'favourite spot in the world' This is the view looking out from his seat.

To end this rather sad post on a lighter note here are two more Porthleven cups and saucers which my Mum had found for me to add to my collection shown on a previous post.