Monday, 29 December 2008

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Merry Christmas
Friday, 19 December 2008
The builders are here!
This step is outside a shop near here, one that has been well patronised by the look of it.
A very old tree trunk.
Original and authentic crackle glaze.
The builders have been here for 3 days and, so far, it has been completely stress free! The back of the house has gone and I have a perfectly useable half a kitchen with everything I could need except for the dishwasher. This is what the house looked like before ...
Hopefully it won't be too long before I can show a photo of the end result with the pitched roof with velux windows and glass doors all along the back.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Being Creative
Sunday, 7 December 2008
I'm Back!
A great deal of painting was been done in these last months and we are in the midst of decorating our other living room. I have been preparing the walls for some Laura Ashley wallpaper I bought recently and we have ordered a gas fire for this room. The builders start work on the back of the house next week knocking the kitchen, dining room and sunroom into one room. This will have a pitched roof and windows and doors all along the back of the house. Not a good time to be having a kitchen ripped out but I am assured I will be able to cook Christmas lunch (lucky me!). This is the kitchen we are replacing.
This was once someone's pride and joy but it has to go! What isn't obvious in the photo is the bright green textured walls! Not quite as bad as some of the houses featured here though http://uglyhousephotos.com/wordpress/!!!!
Tomorrow night I am going to see 'The Changeling'. Has anyone else seen it yet? I've also just finished reading Margaret Forster's 'Diary of an Ordinary Woman' Do read it if you get the opportunity, I couldn't put it down.
Have a good week.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Autumn Break
I just love it, the detail in the stitching is just amazing. We bought it at Goodwood Antiques Fair and it turned out that the lady from whom we bought it is the same person we bought these shoes from a couple of years ago, such a coincidence. She has a lovely antique shop in Petworth.
See you again later in the year. xx
Friday, 8 August 2008
Before & After
As you can see we have used the fire surround that my friend had had stored in her garden for the last seven years, it is so beautifully sun bleached.
We recently stayed with my cousin Jane who has the prettiest cottage right on the edge of the river in York. Look what I brought home with me!
Jane had bought this dressmaker's dummy made by the French Bust Co. Ltd. many years ago before they became so popular and had decided to give it to me. I have wanted an old mannequin for ages and just love this one. I haven't dressed her yet but have decided to call her Loveday!
It is just over a year since my aunt died and we visited her grave nearby and took some photos of other graves.
No visit to York would be complete without a photo of the Minster.
Changing the subject completely, I was really annoyed with what I consider to be stupidity on our Borough Council's part this week. Where we previously lived we were supplied with three large canvas bags in which to deposit our garden rubbish which was collected every fortnight and the bags were re-used. We now live two miles away in another borough where I had to travel several miles in order to buy green plastic sacks at £1.50 each. When they had been emptied I couldn't find the sacks so I rang the council who informed me that the whole sack is removed and discarded but it's ok because they are biodegradable!! I am going to write to the council to ask how long it takes for these sacks to 'biodegrade', how much it costs to actually manufacture these sacks and, because most people refuse to buy them how much petrol it must have cost the lorry to collect my two sacks. This is nearly as ridiculous as Southampton council who had paid a company to manufacture small plastic purses (beautifully made) and were giving them out free in the shopping centre for people to deposit their cigarette ends in!! Sheer lunacy! Has the world gone mad or am I just getting older?
Moaning over, have a lovely weekend and I hope it doesn't rain wherever you are.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Monday, 28 July 2008
Ladies toilet
I'm wondering whether to have something like this when we decorate the bathroom!!!!!!!!
Monday, 7 July 2008
Eiderdowns and a Rain Hopper!
What do you think? Now be honest!
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
The decoration in one of the living rooms is still on going and I keep changing my mind about the colour scheme and 'look' that I want. I now have almost as many Farrow & Ball matchpots as Homebase and could probably have paid a decorator with what I have spent on them! I don't have an 'After' photo yet but here are the 'Before' and 'In between' images.
When I stripped the wallpaper off the old plaster fell off too so we had to call back the plasterer who had skimmed over the artexed ceilings to come back to do the walls. He asked me to remove any loose plaster in preparation. It turned out that most of it was so I was up to the early hours pulling off chunks of wall with my wallpaper stripper (hubby managed to be away!)